Charting Tips for Home Health Agencies
Caregiver Charting Compliance Tips for Home Health Care Agencies One of the biggest parts of running a home health agency is ensuring your patient care staff nurses and clinicians are providing accurate home health documentation for the care and condition of clients. Ensuring solid charting is achieved and that your staff is compliant with charting requirements should be top of mind. In this blog, we'll cover some tips for charting compliance among staff, and discuss the role of having good home health software in that process plays. Why is charting important for home health agencies? If an employee is more aware of why charting is important, they will be more likely to take it seriously and do it correctly. There are many reasons for charting - legal reasons and liability, billing and getting paid by insurance, and tracking the patient’s condition. For instance, i f your company bills for treatment or care but there isn’t proper documentation of that treatment or...